KensieMae's Larry Bailey Competes to Tap Out Cancer

Congrats to our very own, Larry Bailey, for bringing home gold and helping raise more than $5,000 to benefit the Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation. Larry competed in and won the Male Executive (40+) Blue Middleweight bracket of the Grappling for Good Tour for Tap Out Cancer in Philadelphia, PA on November 9th. 

Tap Cancer Out unites the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu community and empowers competitors to fight for more than just points and medals—they fight for those who are in the fight of their lives— helping Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation change the lives of children with cancer and their families by funding critical research grants and family services.

With the help of KensieMae employees, Larry helped raise more than $5,000 for Tap Out Cancer, ultimately benefiting Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation. In total, the tournament raised more than $174,629.

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